To best prepare our patients for surgery, we ask that you review and follow these guidelines for optimal outcomes.
Prior to your surgery, your primary care physician may perform what’s known as a pre-operative clearance. They will review your medical history and ask about anything that could adversely affect the outcome of the surgery. You may also undergo laboratory tests, particularly if you have other medical conditions or problems. These may include blood tests, an electrocardiogram or EKG, and a chest X-ray.
Provide your doctor and surgeon with a list of ALL prescription and over-the-counter medications you are taking, including over-the-counter products that you might not think are important such as aspirin, dietary supplements, and vitamins. Some medications can have a significant effect on your surgery, including how you respond to anesthesia. Be sure to ask your physician for instructions on which medications to avoid or stop prior to surgery. Also, check with your Primary Care Physician if you are taking Coumadin or Plavix. If they direct you to suspend taking certain medications prior to surgery, confirm when you should stop but do not stop taking medications you normally use unless you are advised by your doctor or surgeon to do so.
Unless prescribed by one of your physicians, do NOT take aspirin-containing drugs or other medications that thin the blood for 10 days prior to surgery (i.e. Aleve, Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, ginger, gingko, Vitamin E, Celebrex). If needed, substitute Tylenol for Aspirin.
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. This includes water. Any medications you must take the morning of your surgery take with only enough sips of water to swallow the medications.
- Do not chew gum or eat hard candies
- No alcoholic beverages for 48 hours prior to surgery
- No smoking at least 24 hours prior to surgery
- Shower and shampoo your hair the morning of surgery
Depending on your procedure and circumstances, you may have additional pre-operative requirements, so make sure to talk about any of these in your consultation. In the weeks prior to your surgery, prepare yourself physically for the rigor of surgery by eating a balanced diet, rich in Vitamin C, which promotes healing of tissue. You can prepare yourself emotionally by thinking positively.